“Last night, in a dream Marilyn Monroe
appeared to me as a fairy godmother.
She gave me an excellent manicure,
and we talked about men.”
Sylvia Plath – Journal, 1959
Aphrodite and Erudite,
two sides of the same coin,
twins cast in different caste systems.
Once inside they feel unwanted
as a box of kittens,
always in a quest for face value.
One gets whistles, the other scholarships,
but when the curtain closes, they’re alone.
They bleach their hair baby-blonde,
paint their lips with red smiles,
and go out in search of Daddy.
Several scrapbooks later, one finds a President
with Rhett Butler rhetoric;
the other charms an anthropologist
with the voice of Thor.
When the curtain closes, they’re alone,
sleepless nights in empty rooms –
Marilyn with her telephone and downers,
Sylvia with her pen and paper, brandy and Beethoven.
The goddesses called from the labyrinth,
but the echoes came too late.